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When Should You Use COM Port Logger?

When Should You Use COM Port Logger?

In today’s technology-driven world, monitoring and analyzing serial port activity has become an integral part of many operational workflows. Whether you’re maintaining legacy systems or working on modern applications, understanding the data flow through COM ports can help in various scenarios such as debugging, logging, and analyzing the communication between devices. Among the several tools available for this purpose, Serial Port Monitor from Electronic Team stands out due to its comprehensive features, ease of use, and reliability. This article delves into several scenarios when you might need a COM port logger, highlighting the Serial Port Monitor’s capabilities and providing step-by-step guides on how to use it effectively.


Common Scenarios:

Debugging UART Communication 🐞

  • UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) communication is commonly used in embedded systems for serial communication.
  • During development, engineers often need to debug the data transmitted and received over UART to ensure proper functioning.
  • A COM port logger helps capture this data, making it easier to identify and fix issues in real time.

Analyzing Serial Data Streams 📊

  • When multiple devices are communicating over serial ports, it’s essential to monitor and analyze data streams to ensure data integrity and performance.
  • Using a COM port logger, you can capture and store data for in-depth analysis and troubleshooting.
  • This is particularly useful in industries such as telecommunications, automotive, and manufacturing, where reliable data communication is critical.

Legacy System Maintenance 🛠

  • Many legacy systems still rely on serial port communication for their operations.
  • Maintaining these systems often requires monitoring their serial communication to diagnose and troubleshoot issues.
  • A COM port logger provides a reliable way to capture and analyze this data, ensuring the longevity and reliability of legacy systems.

Step-by-Step Guide. When Do You Need The Com Port Logger:

Method 1: Using Serial Port Monitor from Electronic Team 🚀

  • Download and install the Serial Port Monitor from Electronic Team. You can find the download link on the official website.
  • Launch the application and select the COM port you want to monitor from the available list.
  • Click on the ‘Start Monitoring’ button to begin capturing serial data.
  • Use the various views and filters provided by the application to analyze the captured data in real-time.
  • Save the logged data for future analysis or reporting purposes.

Note: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access and monitor the desired COM port.

Conclusion: The Serial Port Monitor from Electronic Team provides comprehensive features and an intuitive interface for effective serial data logging and analysis.

Method 2: Using PuTTY for Serial Communication 🖥

  • Download and install PuTTY from the official website.
  • Launch PuTTY and configure the serial connection by selecting the appropriate COM port and baud rate.
  • Click on ‘Open’ to start the serial communication session.
  • Use the logging feature in PuTTY to capture the serial data to a file for analysis.
  • Analyze the logged data using your preferred tools or methods.

Note: PuTTY is primarily a terminal emulator but can be used for basic serial data logging.

Conclusion: While PuTTY is a versatile tool for serial communication, its logging features are relatively basic compared to dedicated COM port loggers.

Method 3: Using RealTerm for Serial Monitoring 🔧

  • Download and install RealTerm from the official website.
  • Open RealTerm and configure the connection settings to match your COM port’s parameters.
  • Click on the ‘Capture’ tab and set up the file where you want to log the serial data.
  • Click the ‘Start Over’ button to begin capturing the data transmitted through the serial port.
  • Analyze the captured data using RealTerm’s various visualization and analysis tools.

Note: Ensure that you stop the capture session before closing RealTerm to avoid data corruption.

Conclusion: RealTerm offers extensive features for serial monitoring and is a good alternative if you need more control over capture settings and data visualization.

Method 4: Using Tera Term for Logging 📋

  • Download and install Tera Term from the official website.
  • Launch Tera Term and select the serial port connection.
  • Navigate to ‘Setup’ > ‘Serial Port’ to configure the port settings.
  • Go to ‘File’ > ‘Log’ to start logging the serial data to a file.
  • Save the log file and analyze the data at your convenience.

Note: Tera Term is an open-source terminal emulator that supports multiple communication protocols.

Conclusion: Tera Term is a reliable option for serial data logging, especially if you are looking for an open-source solution.

Method 5: Using Docklight for Testing and Simulation 🛠

  • Download and install Docklight from the official website.
  • Open Docklight and create a new project to start monitoring a COM port.
  • Configure the COM port settings and click on ‘Start Communication’ to begin logging data.
  • Use Docklight’s scripting features to simulate communication scenarios and test device responses.
  • Save the logged data for further analysis and troubleshooting.

Note: Docklight is a powerful tool for testing and simulation of serial communication but may require a learning curve.

Conclusion: Docklight is ideal for developers needing advanced testing and simulation features along with logging capabilities.

Method 6: Using Advanced Serial Port Monitor ⚙

  • Download and install Advanced Serial Port Monitor from the official website.
  • Launch the application and select the COM port you wish to monitor.
  • Configure the logging settings as per your requirements and start the monitoring session.
  • The application will capture the serial data and provide various tools for analyzing and visualizing the data.
  • Save the logged data for detailed analysis or reporting.

Note: Advanced Serial Port Monitor offers both free and paid versions with varying feature sets.

Conclusion: Advanced Serial Port Monitor is versatile and suitable for users needing a mix of basic and advanced serial monitoring features.


Precautions and Tips:

Key Tips for Effective Serial Data Logging 🛡

  • Understand your requirements: Different tools offer varying features. Choose the one that best fits your needs, whether it’s basic logging or advanced analysis and simulation.
  • Set proper configurations: Ensure you configure your COM port settings correctly, including baud rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits.
  • Regularly update software: Keep your tools and drivers updated to benefit from the latest features and fixes.
  • Use filters and views: Take advantage of the filtering and viewing options provided by your logging tool to make data analysis more effective.
  • Save data: Regularly save your logged data to avoid losing valuable information, especially during long monitoring sessions.

Valuable Details

Choosing the right COM port logger can make a significant difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of your serial communication monitoring and analysis tasks. While the Serial Port Monitor from Electronic Team is highly recommended for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, there are other options worth considering based on your specific requirements. For example, SolarWinds Free Serial Port Monitor offers a cost-effective solution for basic logging needs. Another popular choice is the HHD Software Free Serial Port Monitor, known for its quick setup and ease of use.

When choosing a tool, it’s important to consider factors such as user interface, logging features, data visualization options, and support for various communication protocols. For developers requiring advanced functionalities like scripting for automated tests and simulations, Docklight or Advanced Serial Port Monitor might be ideal choices.

Ensuring that your COM port settings such as baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits are correctly configured is crucial for accurate data capture. Incorrect settings can lead to data corruption or loss, making it harder to debug or analyze the communication. Therefore, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of your devices and applications.

Keeping your software tools and device drivers updated is another critical aspect of maintaining effective serial communication monitoring. Updates often include bug fixes, feature enhancements, and improved compatibility with different systems, ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience.

Security should also be a consideration when monitoring serial communications, especially in environments where sensitive data is being transmitted. Always use secure and trusted tools and ensure your system is protected against unauthorized access.

Finally, if you’re working on large-scale projects or in collaborative environments, consider tools that offer features for data sharing and collaborative analysis. This can streamline workflows and improve the accuracy and efficiency of your debugging and analysis tasks.


In conclusion, selecting the right COM port logger is crucial for effective and efficient serial communication monitoring and analysis. The Serial Port Monitor from Electronic Team remains a top choice due to its comprehensive features and ease of use, as highlighted in this here. However, options like PuTTY, RealTerm, Tera Term, Docklight, and Advanced Serial Port Monitor also offer unique features that may better suit specific requirements. By understanding your needs and exploring various tools, you can find the perfect solution for your serial data logging and analysis tasks.


You need a COM port logger when debugging serial ports, analyzing data transmission, or troubleshooting hardware communication issues to ensure your systems are communicating efficiently.

It's essential for real-time device interaction, such as during software development, testing hardware, or maintaining equipment where instant data feedback is crucial for diagnostics.

It captures and logs data transmitted between the computer and hardware. This is vital for identifying communication errors and ensuring that device protocols are correctly implemented.

Historical data logging provides detailed records of device interactions, which is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency, troubleshooting recurring issues, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

A COM port logger can capture a wide range of data, including ASCII text, binary data, and protocol-specific information, allowing for comprehensive analysis of communication streams.

By logging communication between network devices, you can pinpoint where data transmission errors occur and understand the underlying causes, which aids in efficient troubleshooting and maintenance.

Developers can monitor and log data to validate software performance, ensure devices communicate as intended, and quickly identify issues during the testing phase, enhancing product reliability.

It ensures that devices adhere to specific protocol standards by capturing and analyzing data exchanges, which helps in maintaining compliance and identifying deviations from set protocols.

Support teams use it to replicate and diagnose issues reported by users, enabling them to provide accurate solutions and improve the overall customer support experience.

For additional insights on COM port logging, you can visit Com Port Monitor and Eltima for expert resources and tools.